Kid Approved Easy Fruit Parfait

Like everyone else, we are always looking for cool activities to do…while still trying to social distance. This has definitely not been an easy adjustment for anyone in our family but we are adapting and learning new things everyday! I’m hoping that everyone else is doing well and praying for all of us daily. While watching the news one day I stumbled upon a segment with a beautiful, talented young lady in our local area that is a growing mini chef! Her name escapes me at the moment but she was demonstrating how to make a simple parfait for kids, that is fun and engaging.

So below me and the mini have concocted a simple parfait treat for you all to enjoy this summer with what’s around in your house! You might want to buy other things to make this fun for your kids as well!

Quick Easy Summer Parfait


-1/2 cup yogurt of your choice (Dairy or Non Dairy)

-Whipped cream (1 spray can or 1 tub)

-Fruit of choice cut or diced (Strawberries, blueberries, or grapes)

- 3-4 Oreos crushed with fork

-Extras …sprinkles, gummy bears etc. for toppings


1. Measure out half of cup of yogurt of your choice in separate dish. Use a teaspoon or tablespoon to spread a little out to fill bottom of cup.

2. Take fruit of choice and drop in about a tablespoon of diced fruit over yogurt, then add in extra toppings! The extra toppings should be the crushed Oreos or sprinkles.

3. Repeat steps in order the same from number 1-2 until you almost reach the top of your cup.

4. At the end add whip cream and a sprinkle of only the extra topping or fruit to top whip cream off.

5. That’s it your finished!

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